Charlotte Observer: Exercise Science Alumna Perseveres for Career in Air Force
by: Theoden Janes, Charlotte Observer This was to be a celebratory spring for Alison Cruise. The UNC Charlotte alumna learned last summer that the U.S. Air Force would promote her to major this May, and she was excited by the prospect of her 3-year-old daughter Shiloh pinning the new rank insignia on her uniform in […]

Remembering Roy Fielding
The UNC Charlotte College of Health and Human Services extends sympathy to the family and friends of former senior lecturer Roy Fielding, who passed away Friday. Fielding had been a fixture at the university since 1977 through his recent retirement. He served as lecturer, aquatics director and senior lecturer in the Department of Kinesiology during […]

New UNC Charlotte Podcast to Support College Athletes’ Mental Health
By: Anna Henderson, Communications Graduate Student College sports can take a toll on an athlete’s body that doctors, trainers and other staff work to combat every day through preventative workouts and exercises. As a former college volleyball player at UNC Charlotte, my knees crack and swell, my shoulder pops, and my back hurts sometimes. But […]

Niner Nurses: Class of 2020
“Vital” means something specific when considering the value of nurses. It’s not just that what they do is important. The literal sense of vitality is appropriate here: lives are on the line. The health of their patients is at stake, and in times like these, so is their own. On a National Nurses Day unlike […]

Study Examines Value of Grit and Humor in Suicide Prevention
A pair of UNC Charlotte researchers, in collaboration with co-authors at Louisiana State University and the University of Strathclyde (Glasgow, Scotland), recently published a study in the journal Personality and Individual Differences on the subject of grit, humor and suicide prevention. Andrea Kaniuka is a student in UNC Charlotte’s Ph.D. program in public health sciences […]

WCNC: Respiratory Therapy Students Aiding Coronavirus Response
UNC Charlotte students are joining medical professionals on the frontline of the coronavirus response. WCNC highlighted their impact and the quality of UNC Charlotte’s respiratory therapy program. WATCH THE VIDEO

WBTV: Niner Nurse Travels to New York to Treat COVID-19 Patients
Brittany Akinsola ’11 is a nursing alum who left her home in Charlotte to work in the NYC-based Samaritans Purse relief hospital for COVID-19 patients. She’s one of the many dedicated professionals making a difference on the frontline. WATCH THE VIDEO

How Will the Coronavirus Outbreak End in Charlotte?
UNC Charlotte public health professor Michael Thompson tells Charlotte Agenda to think of the COVID-19 outbreak in the days ahead like a “smoldering fire.” READ THE STORY

How to Eat Healthy at Home
Even during a “normal” week, eating healthy can be a challenge for people across the country. For many, the added pressures of the COVID-19 outbreak may make achieving a healthy diet feel like an especially tall mountain to climb. Registered dietitian Tracy Bonoffski is a lecturer in the UNC Charlotte Department of Kinesiology, and shared […]

National Public Health Week 2020: One We All Will Remember
by: Michael E. Thompson, MS, DrPH, Associate Professor and Associate Chair, UNC Charlotte Department of Public Health Sciences Each year, the United Stated designates the week encompassing World Health Day (7 April), as National Public Health Week (NPHW). For 2020, NPHW falls the week of 6-12 April. In reality, however, we have all been living […]