Dean’s Duo: Neese Promoted, Generous Gift from Former Professor

The Dean’s Duo is a brief, regular pairing of news or activities that Dr. Nancy Fey-Yensan, Dean of the College of Health and Human Services, wants to share with students, faculty and friends of the College.
1) I could not be more pleased to announce that the College has received a very generous, forward-thinking and thoughtful gift from Dr. Bill Brandon and his wife, Pamela. Dr. Brandon served as the inaugural Metrolina Endowed Professor in Health Policy at the University for 20 years, retiring in 2015. As an endowed professor, Dr. Brandon mentored countless doctoral and masters students and engaged in groundbreaking policy research. Bill and Pamela expressed an interest in supporting the growth of health policy activities in the College of Health and Human Services, a critically important area of research and teaching for us. This meaningful and essential gift will enable us to begin developing a thoughtful expansion of health policy related activities in CHHS and campus wide. More to come as things develop, but please join me in sending a heartfelt thanks to the Brandons for their vision and wonderful support.
2) Dr. Jane Neese, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in the College of Health and Human Services has been promoted to Senior Associate Dean. The positive impact of Dr. Neese’s dedication and expertise has been felt by us all – students, staff, faculty and fellow administrators. Warm and most deserved congratulations to Jane. Keep an eye out for a formal announcement.