CHHS Seed Funding for Faculty

The CHHS Seed funding is intended to support research or scholarship. No individual CHHS Seed grant can exceed $1,000 and faculty members are strongly encouraged to seek matching funding from their unit directors (including School of Data Science). A team of two faculty members can receive up to $1,500.

Ineligible expenses: professional development related expenses (including Summer Institutes and the NIH Regional Seminar), subscriptions, memberships, food, travel (unless for data collection or data management), salaries, computer purchases.

Examples of eligible expenses
  • Transcription costs, software licensing, participant incentives, research supplies, data collection and management costs.
  • No individual application to exceed $1,000 ($1,500 for applications involving two or more faculty members).
  • Preference is given to those who have not received CHHS Seed funding.
  • Funds are available each fiscal year until depleted.
  • Continuation of this program is contingent upon fund availability.
  • Funds must be expended by May 31st

The recipient agrees to: 1) include mention of the CHHS Seed funding in all abstracts/manuscripts benefitting from the funding, 2) provide an outcomes report and 3) submit an external proposal within 12 months of receiving the CHHS Seed Grant award.
