What We Expect from Students: | What Students Can Expect from Their Advisor: |
- Be proactive and seek assistance early in semester.
- Be available during regular office hours. Serve as a guide, teacher, facilitator, coach, and counselor.
- Understand role of academic/faculty advisors and come prepared for your academic advising appointment.
- Encourage active engagement in the advising process/relationship.
- Know how and where to contact your advisor(s). Maintain your Charlotte email account and update your university contact information as necessary.
- Respond to student email and phone inquiries within 2 business days. Notify students of any changes in contact information.
- Become familiar with requirements for major, minor, general education, and graduation.
- Provide accurate and timely information and insight about major and career requirements. Advise from an integrated perspective of general education, major(s), and minors.
- Know your current grade point average, enrolled credits, and earned credit hours. Bring a copy of your transcripts and checksheet to your appointment.
- Be able to access and confirm student records.
- Adhere to the university academic calendar, policies and procedures.
- Be knowledgeable of the university academic calendar, policies and procedures.
- Schedule and arrive on time for appointments with your advisor.
- Be available for scheduled appointments.
- Prepare questions and a course schedule before meeting with your advisor. Bring a proposed plan of courses and questions to your advising appointment.
- Be prepared to respond to student questions and/or refer student to appropriate campus resources. Recognize student individual course scheduling needs. Be resourceful, utilizing web-based resources, advising tools and professional development opportunities.
- Make notes and keep all paperwork and forms from advising sessions.
- Maintain accurate and updated advising records.
- Collect the information necessary to make effective decisions and accept responsibility for those decisions.
- Empower each student to make independent decisions. Be supportive of each student’s decisions. Provide realistic options for student decision making.
- Utilize available campus support offices and online resources.
- Be aware of and make appropriate referrals to campus offices and online resources.
- Accept responsibility for decisions regarding your chosen major and career.
- Facilitate smooth transition for students exploring and changing majors.
- Create a timely and acceptable academic and degree completion plan and parallel plan.
- Encourage and facilitate a reasonable time to degree completion.