
Categories:CHHS News

The gift agreement is dated the 14th of April 2019, the day that would have been their 35th wedding anniversary. To remember a lifetime of love and support and a career of caring, on that day Scott Hill (’83) made official the Susan P. Hill Memorial Oncology Scholarship. The $25,000 gift will establish a fund […]

Categories:CHHS News

Social Work Undergraduate Program Director and Clinical Assistant Professor Sonyia Richardson has been awarded the 2019-20 Lucille P. and Edward C. Giles Dissertation-Year Graduate Fellowship. The fellowship supports UNC Charlotte doctoral students as they work to complete a dissertation in pursuit of their degree. It allows students in the final stages of their program to […]

Categories:CHHS News

America’s food deserts have proven resistant to innovation in the past, with efforts like mobile grocery trucks and community gardens making at best a small dent in the problem. Now, the private and public sectors are betting on technology to provide solutions for the 37 million Americans living in neighborhoods without ready access to fresh […]

Categories:CHHS News

by: Julia Stullken, Master of Public Health student UNC Charlotte was recently named a “Leader” by the Brookings Institution. Brookings is a nonprofit policy organization that conducts research that encourages innovative ways to solve societal issues. Their recent article, titled “Ladders, labs, or laggards? Which public universities contribute most” analyzes the efforts of hundreds of […]

Categories:CHHS News

Kinesiology master’s student Kaitie Wilkers has been named a UNC Charlotte Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant (TA) for 2018-19. The Graduate School hosts the Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award annually to honor top TAs nominated by faculty supervisors for their work. The awards, presented at the doctoral and master’s levels, recognize outstanding and innovative teaching techniques. […]

Categories:CHHS News

A recent $67,000 grant from Steelcase Education’s Active Learning Center will help UNC Charlotte further advance its goals to increase active learning instruction on campus. The grant will fund a new active learning classroom in the College of Health and Human Services. Active learning is an instruction approach that encourages student engagement, collaboration and creativity […]

Categories:CHHS News

by: Roger Suclupe, Clinical Assistant Professor and MSW Part-time Program Coordinator My great colleague and friend Drew Reynolds and I are excited to announce the official launch of our podcast, The Helping Hands of Our Community: Addressing the Social Determinants of Health. The main idea of our podcast? To focus on and spotlight the incredible […]

Categories:CHHS News

Chandradai Chandler will be the first to tell you that she is not your typical student at UNC Charlotte. At 58, she was the oldest undergraduate selected to be an Orientation Counselor (OC) for the 2018 OC class, but she explains that her people-person personality, life experiences, and the fact that she is an immigrant, […]

Categories:CHHS News

Senior nursing student Maggie Johnson has been selected for a prestigious research award from the Fulbright U.S. Student Program. The award will allow Johnson to travel to India after graduation to continue her work with a non-profit supporting health literacy and accessibility for the families of children with disabilities. With the support of the Fulbright […]

Categories:CHHS News

by: Julia Stulken, Master of Public Health student A recent report in the American Journal of Public Health discusses the importance of where a person lives in determining health. Researchers describe a growing “rural mortality penalty,” characterized by a shift in mortality rate disparities from urban to rural populations. That is to say, over the […]