Website Management

For the colleges and many other organizations across the country, our website is our storefront. It’s where our audience often gets its first impression, and is a tool to stay in touch with our extended community. Maintaining an accurate, compelling, user-friendly site is a team effort. Communications and OneIT are committed to working with faculty and staff to ensure visitors can easily find the information they seek, and develop a positive impression of the college through our digital presence.

Faculty and staff, especially program directors, should actively and regularly review pages associated with their program and the college to ensure information is accurate, up to date, and effectively presented. To that end, when modifications or edits are necessary, please follow the framework listed below to contact the appropriate office to request changes.

Many administrators have received training on the website previously, and OneIt is planning a series of additional training as needed.

Make edits through unit faculty or staff or submit a ticket, if you would like to:

  • Update or edit basic content on a page. This includes edits that are primarily informational in nature, such as plans of study, admissions requirements, and course descriptions, or links to documents. Unit staff will be able to make many edits, and a ticket can be submitted for more complex or technical needs.
    • Ex: New course planning document needs to be added
    • Ex: Dr. Smith’s received a promotion and their title needs to be updated
  • Address issues such as dated information, spacing, error messages, or pages that do not load correctly