College Mission, Vision, Goals

Mission Statement

The college’s mission is to promote quality health and human service education, research, policy, and advocacy/leadership for population health, wellbeing and delivery of healthcare in an urbanizing world.

Vision Statement

The college’s vision is community-responsive health and human service systems equipped to improve population health across the lifespan.

Primary College Goal

The college’s goals that describe strategies to accomplish the defined mission:

  • Goal 1 (instructional): Develop students’ capacity to promote health equity through experiential learning and interprofessional education.
  • Goal 2 (research): Engage in research and data-informed advocacy to improve the quality of public health and human services to support lifelong health and wellbeing.
  • Goal 3 (service): Engage with community partners to address complex population health problems.
  • Goal 4 (diversity): Support the health and human services workforce’s preparedness for serving urbanizing regions and diverse populations. *

* The Council on Education for Public Health stipulates in the 2024 Criteria for accreditation of schools of public health that schools’ guiding statements “must address the unit’s approaches and aspirations for each of the following: advancing the field of public health through instruction, scholarship, and service; promoting student success through instruction, scholarship, and service; and preparing students to work with diverse populations and communities.” Our approach follows the UNC System policy on “Equality Within the University of North Carolina” which defines diversity as “the ways in which individuals vary, including, but not limited to, backgrounds, beliefs, viewpoints, abilities, cultures, and traditions that distinguish one individual from another.”

Date of Origin: 12/83
Revised: 7/24 (based on 2020-2025 Strategic Plan)