
Categories:CHHS News

On November 11, the College of Health and Human Services (CHHS) celebrated the dedication, integrity, and selflessness of Veterans. CHHS is committed to creating new structures and programs touching on research and outreach with an emphasis on Veterans and their families. Concerned with the well-being and seamless transition of returning veterans into degree programs, faculty […]

Categories:CHHS News

As part of the “State of the Region Healthcare Summit 2014” sponsored by the Cabarrus Regional Chamber of Commerce, we presented “Childhood Obesity & Wellness Research” to business leaders in Cabarrus County. Our recently completed Action Plan developed for Carolinas Medical Center-NorthEast (CMC-NE) identified five high-priority areas for intervention: Integrate more Health/Physical Education and Nutrition […]

Categories:CHHS News

In August, UNC Charlotte created a food pantry to help a growing number of students who are unable to afford or find nutritious foods. Sean Langley, UNC Charlotte’s assistant director of Off-campus and Volunteer Outreach helped start the food pantry with $6,000 worth of food from Food Lion. The pantry currently provides food to over […]

Categories:CHHS News

Dr. Scott Gordon, Chair of the Department of Kinesiology, is travelling to Shanghai, China in early November to participate in an editorial board meeting for the Journal of Sport and Health Science. While there, he will also give a seminar at the Shanghai University of Sport (SUS) entitled, “Chronic Disease in the United States: ‘Fitting […]

Categories:CHHS News

“Chronic illnesses, such as heart disease and diabetes have reached global epidemic proportions, and now cause more deaths than all other diseases combined”, says Dr. Mark DeHaven, the Colvard Distinguished Professor in the College of Health and Human Services at UNC Charlotte. Nowhere is this more evident than in China, where a population of 114 […]

Categories:CHHS News

Dr. Michael Thompson, Associate Professor of Public Health Sciences, will travel to King Saud University (KSU) in Riyadh Saudi Arabia in October 2014 to continue dialoguing with the faculty and students of KSU’s Department of Family & Community Medicine about building an accreditable master’s in public health degree program. This trip will be Dr. Thompson’s […]

Categories:CHHS News

Traditional health services research begins with a hypothesis based on things that are already known. The hypothesis is then tested in pilot phases with animals, single cases or small programs and, if the findings are positive, larger investments are made on the magnitude of human trials, registries or systems integration. The end goal is to […]

Categories:CHHS News

“Every individual is attached to a community, a place that socially determines their health. The place where you are born, where you live and grow, determines the quality of your life and the number of years you will live,” says Mark DeHaven, PhD, the recently appointed Colvard Distinguished Professor in UNC Charlotte’s College of Health […]

Categories:CHHS News

UNC Charlotte School of Nursing Recognizes Distinguished Alumna for Outstanding Professional Service and Commitment to Improving the Lives of Others The UNC Charlotte College of Health and Human Services’ School of Nursing Alumni chapter recently honored Mrs. Lynn Dobson as the recipient of its 2014 Distinguished Alumni award. The award recognizes a UNC Charlotte nursing […]

Categories:CHHS News

On Tuesday, March 18, the College of Health and Human Services hosted acclaimed thought leader, Dr. Marion Nestle, for a conversation on the politics of food and food choice. The daylong activities, part of the TIAA-CREF Distinguished Lecture Series, included an afternoon dialogue with students at the UNC Charlotte main campus and an evening event […]